Create Your Own Barcode Labels

Barcodes help organize information about a product.

Barcodes help organize information about a product.

If you have to maintain a large amount of inventory over a store or a warehouse, or if you want a faster way to organize products you create or watch over, one of the most effective solutions involves making barcodes. Barcodes allow you to store information such as name and price in a machine-readable format, which you can then attach to products for ease of organizing your inventory.

Difficulty: Easy




  1. Step1

    Use the WASP Barcode software program to create your barcodes. WASP's barcode software can create 13 different versions of barcodes and can also link barcodes to Microsoft Office files, such as Word documents.

  2. Step2

    Use WASP's online barcode generator to create your barcodes. Unlike the software described in Step 1, the online barcode generator allows you to enter basic information about what you want your barcode to look like. However, the software leaves any inventory control or organization up to you.

  3. Step3

    Use the Free Barcode generator provided by Barcodes Inc. on its website. Create a basic barcode by typing your information into the text box and then generating the barcode, which you can then link or embed elsewhere on a website or a document.

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Trridev-Zebra Banner

For over 4 years, Trridev Labels has provided automation solutions and barcoding equipment to a wide range of large and small companies in virtually every industry sector. Trridev Labels offers more than 10,000 brand name products and services such as barcode printers and zebra printers.

Contact Trridev Labelss Mfg Co – If you have requirement of  Barcode Labels, Barcode Printers , Barcode Scanners, self Adhesive Labels, Computer Labels, Multi-color labels, Security labels. We provide you a complete solutions for barcode.

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